Thursday, December 9, 2010


So I am getting ready for something big.  As we grow in life, we will face many changes.  I am only 2 days away from Graduating and 1 day away from my commissioning ceremony.  Since I am commissioning, I will be going into the Army as a 2LT in the Medical Service Corps where I will be moving to Alaska.  Since September of this year, GOD has given me the wonderful opportunity of fulfilling my passion with some wonderful kids.  I got to teach the one thing I love most for the one I love most and became a Dance Instructor for the Dance Ministry at my church in Houston.  After spending 3 beautiful months with them, I had to sadly break this news to the kids I have had the privilege of working with the past couple months at my church of my absence starting next year.  They took it much better than I anticipated but of course, we are all pretty sad.  

I went to church tonight because my kids were having rehearsal so I figured I'd come just to spend and have some more time with them.  When we were done, we were all sent downstairs because my director Dominique and Candice wanted to have a massive group meeting.  Come to find out, there was no meeting, it was a Surprise going away get together for me!  If you look below and play the video before you, you will see their reaction, as well as mine (It's some what long so you can watch just the 1st 30 seconds).

From the very moment they all screamed... "SURPRISE!" I was completely OVERWHELMED! Overwhelmed with such Joy! Overwhelmed with such Grace! Overwhelmed with such Excitement! Overwhelmed with such Happiness but above all... Overwhelmed with such LOVE! And all I could do in that moment was completely receive all of GOD's LOVE he has displayed for me through them! For as mentioned before, LOVE isn't just about what you say but what you do.  And my kids don't just say they LOVE me, they show it.  I left my macbook with them and when I came back, they came up to me and said... "We have a gift for you Mark! LOOK!!"




For I am NOT worthy of even having them as a part of my life yet GOD LOVED me so much, he allowed me to be a part of theirs.  For I have truly experienced the wonderful meaning of LOVE. My heart is overtaken, my soul is OVERWHELMED knowing the worst of me succeeds by the best of GOD.  And I'm at my best because of kids like them! 



  1. Awww that's sweet :-)... what a blessing

  2. Yea... It was to much. I got real emotional grl. They had cards, cupcakes, balloons, everything. So sweet. I'll show you the rest next time we chill
