Monday, January 24, 2011

A "RADICAL" Experience

So every year when I go back home for the Winter Break, my Church back home FBCV (Faith Bible Church of Vallejo) host a Winter Camp Martin Luther King Weekend every year since 2006.  I know at this point your probably thinking to yourself.... "Wow! Another blog about Winter Camp?" And the Answer is... YES! Another Article about Winter Camp.  There is always a theme to every year and every year I am constantly blown away by the things my Heavenly Father bless me with.

Luke 9:23-24

Then he said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me.  If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it.  But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.

I have two very close friends to me.  Matter of fact, they're more than "close" they're definitely two of my best named Jordon and Kayla.  I have known them since High School so we have been in each others lives going on 5 years and it has been a wonderful experience to have them as a part of my life.  For the past couple years I have been trying to get them to come with me to Winter Camp up in Lake Tahoe with my Church and unfortunately due to personal things, I never got the privilege of having them with me during such a wonderful experience... until Now.

They came to Winter Camp because they wanted to spend my very last two days in California with me before I left to go back to Texas (which was very thoughtful) but... GOD had other plans in mind and I praise him for using me to fulfill his will.  In the past couple years, Jordon and Kayla have struggled in having a "Community" of believers to fellowship with at all times and I speak from personal experience knowing their very exact feelings.  Needless to say, I was more than ecstatic to have them come with me to this Winter Camp Retreat because I knew exactly what they would get out of it. Actually... I didn't, because it surpassed the expectations I was holding in which they got more than what I anticipated for them to receive.  But it's always like GOD to show up and show out.  

We had the distinct pleasure of having a young man named "Pastor Ting Wang" as our special guest speaker and let me tell you when I say, GOD truly has put an anointing on this Gentleman.  We had quite a few 1 Hour Q & A sessions in which we can ask him anything.  People asked questions from... "How do you deal with an Atheist? Is it a Sin if you have a "Wet Dream"? Do you believe in speaking in Tongues? etc" And he answered every single question.  But it's not the fact that he answered every question, but he answered it with Scripture.  Being able to instantly on the spot refer to any book in the Bible in which talks about the very subject that was asked about.  That very thing right there encouraged and inspired me in so many ways because at no point in time do I ever want to get myself at a point in life where I can't endure something or stand up for my FAITH due to lack of knowing.  There is absolutely no reason, as a follower in Christ why we shouldn't be able to do the same.

Psalm 118:8

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people.

On the very last night, everyone has the opportunity to speak in front of others and share with them a Testimony.  It could be about anything in which your voice can be heard and that GOD may bless someone using your story.  I am very proud to say that both Kayla and Jordon individually got up and spoke in front of the whole group expressing their very feelings and how GOD changed and answered their very prayer on how important fellowship is.  Both of them had a moment where they began to cry because of how moved they were with the whole experience GOD had blessed them with.  It was at that very moment that when I saw them cry, I broke down myself and let tears of joy roll down my face.  If you've read any of my earlier articles, I talked about how important it is that as we continue to grow in Christ, we must find ourselves a "Community" of believers whom we are equally yolked with in order to continuously grow in him.  

Ephesians 4:2-3

Always be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your LOVE.  Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.  

I have no shame in saying that as I watched my best friends break down, I broke down with them because that was a very distinct moment (for all of us).  I believe it's very safe to say that the three of us in that moment had an "Epiphany" because we all realized how much GOD had truly grown us.  I have known Kayla and Jordon for almost 5 years now and I have never seen them at such a Vulnerable state the way I saw that very weekend but it was simply Beautiful because it was that moment in which GOD changed their heart in order for them to serve him for his glory.  And as a brother in Christ to them, I know GOD has truly been growing me because I was so touched to witness their Conviction.  You will come to find in life that as you grow in Christ, your LOVED ones Struggles are your Struggles but... on the other extreme, your LOVED ones blessings are your blessings.  And THAT, was the very reason why that weekend January 14th-17th 2011 was truly A "RADICAL" Experience.  The three of us along with many others from our church walked away with so much more insight in our relationship with Christ.  It really humbled us showing us that we have so much more we need to learn and know if we want to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.  But I am still very proud of myself at where I've come in Christ because I am NOT the same where I was at last year, 6 months ago or even one month ago.  I praise GOD for enduring such A "RADICAL" Experience to get back in tune with the very plan my Heavenly Father has in store for me in which I can touch others and give him ALL THE GLORY.   


Thursday, January 20, 2011


Just 3 days ago, I came back from another Winter Camp retreat with my Church up in South Lake Tahoe.  We spoke amongst many things up there but one thing that was a true highlight for me was our WORSHIP.  Talk about GOD's Divine Intervention because he put two people in my life that had a grave influence on me and changed the way I look at music and how I can worship freely for my Heavenly Father.  Between the teachings of Pastor Ting Wang I learned this past weekend and what I've learned in the past from Pastor Marcos Witt, I am going to share with you what I have learned.

Jesus wants to teach mankind the fountains and springs of life.  Why should I be a WORSHIPper and why is the father seeking worshippers?  These questions will be addressed with three different points.

1.)  WORSHIPping GOD keeps things in perspective

Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am GOD!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the World.

We "BOW DOWN" to keep GOD Bigger.  Sometimes we need to stop fighting, relax and just stand there.  Be still and know that GOD is GOD.  To reverently honor him and his power and majesty.  

2.)  WORSHIPping GOD helps keep me with a spirit of Thanksgiving

Psalm 100:4

Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise.  
Give thanks to him and praise his name.

GOD alone is worthy of being WORSHIPed.  It's good to praise GOD for what he has done and what continues to do, but what about praising GOD simply for who he is?  This psalm right here reminds us of GOD's goodness and dependability, and then to worship with thanksgiving and praise.  

3.)  WORSHIP mobilizes GOD's armies in my favor

Judges 7:20-21

Then all three groups blew their horns and broke their jars.  They held the blazing torches int heir left hands and the horns in their right hands, and they all shouted,"A sword for the lORD and for Gideon!" Each man stood at his position around the camp and watched as all the Midianites rushed around in a panic, shouting as they ran to escape.  

This story of Gideon was for GOD to demonstrate to Israel that victory does not come from man's own strength or the number of people we may hold, but being obedient and committed to GOD whom gives us the ability to do all things so he gets all the glory.  

This man and his girlfriend Queenie for some reason saw something in me that I didn't.  We began to talk about different styles of music and how I use to be on the Praise and WORSHIP team for my high school and hadn't done it in over 5 years.  As we began to talk, we eventually made our way towards the instruments and began to sing songs of Praise.  We started around 12:15 in the morning and as we began to worship for GOD, many of our friends began to gather around us.  What started as just two grew to 3, 6 and eventually there were about 15 men and woman of GOD surrounding the Piano WORSHIPping together as one.  And let me tell you that GOD was in that place because we went all the way through till 3:45 in the morning!  I've "lead" WORSHIP before but to be in the presence of so many Kingdom Minded People to all live and serve for a greater purpose than ourselves is beyond compared.  I have never gone for over 3 hours of WORSHIP and the whole thing was not rehearsed.  Ryan and I have never worked together but everything simply flowed together and was more than just singing but eventually even lead to free WORSHIP!  That night I tapped into something that I never knew I was capable of in which I can glorify GOD.  And I am so thankful that GOD sent Ryan and Queenie to continue to push me in which I can truly freely PRAISE GOD without holding back because GOD is worth my all, not just a little.  

It's so important that we mediate on the and think about the goodness of GOD, his state of mind and remember them frequently.  What does WORSHIP Mean?  WORSHIP simply means "The placing of 'WORTH' on someone or something"  How much is GOD worth to you?  When it comes to serving and WORSHIPing, many don't know which one takes priority.  It's great to serve others.  In fact, it's one of the many things we are called to do as Children of GOD but service to Others without WORSHIP involved just becomes "Good Deeds".  It's Great to do "Good Deeds" but even unbelievers carry out acts of Good Deeds.  You place your "WORTH" on GOD through fellowship and the time you spend with him individually.  When you WORSHIP GOD from the right place, it's easy to want to serve GOD.  Serve GOD because you LOVE to serve GOD.  As great as it is to WORSHIP GOD with songs of praise, let's not forget that it's a Lifestyle.

For many will serve without WORSHIP BUT, It is IMPOSSIBLE to WORSHIP without Serving.  


Couple of Encouragers

I recently came back from my 4th Winter Camp Retreat with my Church back home at Zephyr Point in South Lake Tahoe and every single experience never ever ceases to amaze me.  There is so much I wanna talk about my experience the past weekend though, I'm going to have to break it up into several different articles so bare with me as I make a point for each one.  And with to start this off right, I want to talk about a Couple of Encouragers.

1 Thessalonians 2:12

We pleaded with you, ENCOURAGED you, and urged you to live your lives in a way that GOD would consider worthy.  For he called you to share in his Kingdom and glory.

Three couples who stuck out this past winter camp did this very thing for me.  Three couples whom took the time as a couple and individually to speak in my life and ENCOURAGE me in-spite of whatever doubt or fear I may hold in the near future and I really do have to brag about who they are.  Because who they are as a people truly shows the Greatness of our GOD.  

Roughly 2 years ago, I met two people named Queenie and Ryan at Winter Camp and that's really the last time I got to speak with them.  We knew of each other and would facebook each other every now and then for Idol Chit Chat but that was about it.  I've seen them once in between the two years we met which was at my Best Friends Wedding but never really took the opportunity to get to know each other.
I have always known the passion Ryan holds for music but never really took the time to appreciate it.  Queenie was on my time the last time we met at our Winter Camp retreat and I never really did use that chance to build a friendship with her.

Somehow this past weekend, all motives were different (On both ends).  When we saw each other, the three of us was legitimately excited to see each other!  We began to catch each other up on the past couple things that had been going on in each others lives and then somehow as our conversation continued, the three of us began to talk about Music.  And come to find out, it wasn't just Christian Alternative we had in common... the three of us shared a common interest in Gospel and Christian R & B (specifically Israel & Anthony Evans. Who would have thought?!)

1 Thessalonians 3:7-8

So we have been greatly ENCOURAGED in the midst of our troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your FAITH.  It gives us new life to know that you are standing firm in the LORD.  

Let me tell you that the good LORD used these two mightily this past weekend and revealed to me another gift I truly didn't know I had in which I PRAISE GOD and give him ALL THE GLORY for it (which will be in another article to come).  But Thank You guys.  Thank you for being so obedient to Christ in seeing something in me that I didn't see in myself as another way to PRAISE and WORSHIP our good LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST.  Ever since this weekend, I have looked at other Avenues of Approach to GLORIFY my GOD in an abundance of different ways so thank you guys. For seeing something and believing in something in me that I never really saw in myself. 

Two other Wonderful People of GOD has been of GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT to me.  I have only known them for almost 3 years now but we recently have been building our friendship on a whole other level.  As I was up in Lake Tahoe this past weekend, I had the privilege of having one of them as my room-mate.  Mr. Santos and I finally after all these years had the opportunity to room together.  You know they say you don't truly know someone until you live with them and I'm so thankful that I received that opportunity.  I was able to express the concerns I've been dealing with in my personal life right now and after I expressed to him with mine, he then did the same towards me.  Needless to say, we ended up talking until 2:30 in the morning but it was well worth it. 

I then got to have my home girl Leiza on my team this year for all the Workshops, games and skits we were going to do for the weekend and it was to much fun.  I received the chance to open up with her on where my heart lies in how I can better serve the Kingdom of GOD during one of our Workshop Sessions.  She along with many others was very receptive to it and continued to ENCOURAGE me that I am well able and have the potential to do it anywhere I go.  

1 Thessalonians 5:11

So ENCOURAGE each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:12

Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord's work.  They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance.  

These two wonderful people of GOD speak those very things into me.  I received words of encouragement from Christian saying... "Hey man. Glad you came to winter camp before you left for Texas.  Stay up man and know your doing BIG things for GOD.  PRAISE Him for your life". Leiza was just as motivating when she checked in on me the next day saying... "I miss you already Mark! I'm excited for what GOD has already planned for you.  Be safe and ALL GLORY to GOD".  Yes... those very words from the two of them bring me such comfort and push me to do what I wasn't always so confident in.  Though I don't know what the good LORD's plans are for me in the next few months, clearly it's something huge.  I'm just thankful that they're so confident in whatever GOD has in store for me, it's so evident that they even see it.  What's even more Beautiful is that they show this same LOVE towards each other as they continue to grow together in Christ. I only pray that My Heavenly Father will bless me with someone as great as them.  

1 Thessalonians 5:14

Brothers and Sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy.  Encourage those who are timid.  Take tender care of those who are weak.  Be patient with everyone.

For it is that very verse these four people LIVE by because they definitely Encourage me though I'm timid and took tender care of me when I felt weak.  During the midst of this, they were always patient and were nothing but a COUPLE OF ENCOURAGERS to me at the exact moment where I needed to hear it.  It's having people like you in my life that always reassure me that there is a GOD and he works so mightily in all ways.  


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chosen Generation

These past couple days, I have been doing my best to get back on my spiritual grind and maintain my drive for the LORD.  It's time to stop playing around and get serious about what I need to be doing in his Kingdom.  It is a brand new year and which means another opportunity to make a "Lifetime Resolution" starting this year.  How important it is that I start doing what GOD wants me to do not just for my own sake, but even for the sake of Others.

Genesis 12:2

I will make you into a great nation.  I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to OTHERS. 

GOD wants to keep using us until it is our time to be home with the LORD.  

Psalm 71:18
Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O GOD.  Let me proclaim your power to this new GENERATION, your mighty miracles to all who come after me.

Psalm 100:5

For the LORD is good.  His unfailing LOVE continues forever, and his FAITHfulness continues to each GENERATION.

Psalm 102:12

But you, O LORD, will sit on your throne forever.
Your fame will endure to every GENERATION.

I believe many times that we forget and don't realize that what we do in this life doesn't just impact our lives, but those around us.  That we are a GENERATION in which we can change the future and every future eventually becomes a past.  That we are a GENERATION in which we can rise up and do something for a greater cause.  A cause that is much greater than us.  That everything we do today doesn't just impact ourselves, and those around us but... it also impacts those whom have yet to come.  

Isaiah 44:3

For I will pour out water to quench your thirst and to irrigate your parched fields.  And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and my blessing on your children.

When I read that verse, it really hit home for me how important it is that in all I do, it doesn't just affect me, but it affects my children and even my children's children.

Last year in the month of September, My mom had the Distinct pleasure of being admitted into the Board of Members of I.A.M.M.M. (Institute for the Advancement of Multicultural and Minority Medicine).  At the event, we met a ridiculous amount of wonderful people and the whole entire evening was a blessing.  That evening, I had the privilege of meeting former 4 Star General Colin Powell also the  1st Black Secretary of State.  However, allow me to give you the setup and why we got to be a part of such a wonderful event.

My Grandfather use to serve on the board of I.A.M.M.M.  On the board are people whom hold their M.D., P.H.D., Retired Presidents or Former C.E.O.'s of a company and at the time, he was the only person whom held his D.D.S.  Needless to say my Grandfather passed away Summer 09 due to a stroke.  A year went by and the program was looking for someone whom had their D.D.S. to be a part of the Board of Members and without a second hesitation, my mom was Nominated.  That night was the dinner in which she got to be a part of something big and sit with those various men and women at the table whom are making a difference in this nation in which opened up to an opportunity of me being able to meet with General Colin Powell amongst many other people.  Even in my Grandfathers death, my mom as well as myself are receiving some of his blessings simply because of the choices he made.  That weekend was a Testimony and proof of how important it is that all we do in life is not all about us!!

I believe it is so important we watch the very thing we do.  Especially when it comes to serving a younger GENERATION.  They look up to you in more ways than you think and really take to heart all you do whether it be for the better or for the worse.  Last month I graduated from College and one of my kids said... "You know something Mr. Mark?! Me and the girls were talking and I gotta say... you really encourage and inspire us all to go to College and get our Degree!!" I thought to myself... "Wow! How powerful is it, that you have kids that aren't even in high school talking about how they want to go to College and attain a Degree?" That very moment reminded me how important it is to watch the very things you not only say, but do.  That YOU do have the power to make a difference in one persons life.  And that difference you make in a persons life can be impacted so big, that it can be a change that last forever.  We are a CHOSEN GENERATION and this NATION needs to rise up.  GOD... we live for you! 

Lamentations 5:19

But LORD, you remain the same forever!  Your throne continues from GENERATION to GENERATION


Monday, January 10, 2011

The One

So this past weekend, my parents just came back from a Marriage retreat with their church and they said... it blessed them in more ways than they imagined.  Grant it, it was their fourth one but they both agreed and said it was the best one by far.  Not only did they go and meet new couples but they got to fellowship and go with couples whom they've known for almost 10 years now.  The fact they were surrounded by other brothers and sisters in Christ as well as those whom they consider to be some of their best friends enhanced their experience that much more.  They shared with me some of the exercises they did and what they learned about each other and I have to say, it really touched me.  They then told me they watched a movie named "Fireproof" to prove a point in how marriage can be and even, how some marriages are.  They asked if I've seen it and I said no so they borrowed it from a friend and we watched.  Now, though the acting wasn't necessarily always on point, when you look at the plot, storyline and the message, I can honestly say I really enjoyed it and it really moved me. I think what really did it for me is knowing that the film, is not far off from real life situations.  For those who don't know, it is about a couple who is on the verge of getting a divorce and is literally on their last limb of maintaining any HOPE to even want to stay together.

Before we even started the movie, my parents told me a story of a couple they met at the retreat.  A couple whom wasn't a member of the church but were looking to go to a Marriage Retreat and pulled up my parents church online.  They signed up and went.  Needless to say, as my mom put it, these guys are just like that couple in the movie I just saw.  It really moved both my parents and broke my moms heart to come across a couple who is at that point in their life to where they feel they need a divorce.

After the movie was over, my parents began to open up with me on some things they discussed about over the weekend.  Some things that may have been a concern to them but they discussed it like grown adults.  In one of the work shops they did, there was a section for discussion, solution and then a section where they feel they can't tell each other anything.  I am very proud and happy to say that in that last section, both of them said... "There was nothing in that section because there is NOTHING we can't tell each other".  I thought to myself... "Wooooww... how Beautiful is it to spend the rest of your life with someone that you can be completely open with?"

Ephesians 5:25 & 28

25: For Husbands, this means LOVE your wives, just as CHRIST LOVED the Church. 

28:  In the same way, husbands ought to LOVE their wives as they LOVE their own bodies.  For a man who LOVES his wife actually shows LOVE for himself.  

Though it is true that a woman is to submit to her husband, it is just as much that a man should submit to his wife and not abuse the responsibility of being head of his wife just as Christ is head of the church.  

Ephesians 5:21

And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

LOVE is a selfless act in which the motive is... "What can I do for you?" So when it says... "Husbands ought to LOVE your wives, just as CHRIST LOVED the Church" V.S. 25-30  is a commandment for husbands to be willing to sacrifice everything for her, make her well being of primary importance, and care for her as he cares for his own body.  For NO wife needs to fear submitting to a man who treats her this way.  

1 Peter 3:7

In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives.  Treat your wife with understanding as you live together.  She may be weaker than you are, but she is your EQUAL partner in GOD's gift of new life.  Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.

I look at my parents and I am so blessed to have an example of what a proper marriage is in the Kingdom of GOD.  Though I have had a Fantastic example, let me remind you that they both came from divorce homes.  And not just their parents but our Uncles, Aunts etc.  So believe me when I say... we come from a household of divorced families but PRAISE GOD my parents made a conscious decision to draw that line in the sand and break a Generational Curse.  That irrelevant to whatever example they did NOT have, they were committed to each other to set an example for me and my sister.  And I say that in spite of the fear I may have for when I get married, I now have a standard of when I get married.  My marriage at a minimum will be just as great as my parents.  I humbly say that my goal is for my marriage to be better than my parents and my kids to be better than my own.  For I know I'd be doing my parents a disservice if I settled for anything less.  Each generation should progress.  And I only plan for my kids to have a better married life than the one I will have with my future potential spouse.  

When my best friends James and Anneline got married, Pastor Ruel made a statement that forever stuck in my head and it was this... "Though your LOVE for each other is great, it WILL NOT be enough. You must rely on the strength of the LORD and his LOVE and wisdom will continuously guide you.  Keep him the center of your relationship".  I guess I write this to say that there isn't one day that goes by where I don't think of the day I get married.  That as every day goes by, I look forward to the day where I can be with that special someone but can I be honest?  I know there is no such thing as a perfect marriage but I am scarred to be a husband.  Not because of what my future wife may do but, me having a fear in which my wife may not feel appreciated due to what I'm doing or lack to do.  I want to be able to minimize the damage as much as possible.  Why be like Jonah and end up in a Big Fish because GOD told him to go right and he goes left?  For I've learned the hard way that disobedience not only can prolong your own blessing but it can unnecessarily impact others lives for the worse.  But then I think of this verse and believe me when I say at this very moment, I'm still working on trying to engrave this scripture in my heart.  

2 Timothy 1:7

For GOD has not given us a spirt of fear and timidity, but of power, LOVE, and self-discipline.

So in the mean time, I will continue to maximize my life as a single so I will be mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit for THE ONE that the good LORD will have in store for me.


Sunday, January 9, 2011


We are all familiar with the infamous Poem entitled "Footprints" written by Mary Stevenson, Margaret Fishback Powers, and Carolyn Carty.  I believe it's safe to say that when we all heard it for the 1st time and appreciate the point, it touched us all.  So I figured I'd bring in their concept along with my own.

I was out at the beach with one of my best friends taking some shots and it was Beautiful.  Ronnie was in front of me as we were heading to the shoreline to grasp a better shot of the Sunset.  As he continued to walk in front of me, I noticed his footprints in front of me and I immediately thought of the poem "Footprints".  I then began to think of GOD's LOVE.  So you ask... "How did looking at a bunch of Footprints make you think of GOD's LOVE?"

The very last line in the original poem of "Footprints" is... "The LORD replied, my precious, my precious, precious child.  I LOVE you and I would never leave you! During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you".  That very statement displays so much of GOD's LOVE in so many ways.  Though I am completely aware that it is GOD that carry's us so many times in our moments of trials but then I thought to myself... GOD also walks with us directly and indirectly.

Ephesians 4:2-3

Always be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your LOVE.  Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.  

When I took this picture it made me realize how thankful I am for my best friends and family.  That during my moments of failures or when I struggled with anything, not only was GOD himself carrying me and walking with me but other times, it was the people he put in my life that walked with me and carried me as well as an extension of his direct hand.  Anytime I've confessed and told my family and best friends about any of my struggles, every single one of them respond similarly with an attitude of NEVER judging me yet, pushing, supporting and motivating me to do better and holding me accountable for my actions from a place of LOVE just like our Heavenly Father.  

Romans 8:35

Can anything ever separate us from Christ's LOVE?  Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?

How many times have you wondered... "I'm not good enough for GOD".  Or that, Salvation is for everyone else but you?  For it is Satan, NOT GOD whom accuses us.  We should NEVER use suffering as an excuse to drive us away from GOD but help us to identify with him and allow his LOVE into our hearts so it can heal us.  Romans 8:31-39 contain one of the most comforting promising scriptures in the book.  Being a believer in Christ, we face many forms of hardship from persecution, illness, imprisonment, and even death.  Things such as these can cause us to fear that we may have been abandoned by Christ.

Romans 8:37-38

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who LOVED us.  And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from GOD's LOVE.  Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from GOD's LOVE.  

For when I look back in some of my Journeys, I end up seeing two or three set of Footprints, and none of them are mine.  For it is GOD himself along with the wonderful people he has put in my life that carry's me through the storm.  In Christ, we are super-conquerors, and his LOVE will protect us from the Powers of the Unseen Forces.  


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Trapped = Freedom

I have been back home for the past 3 weeks now and it has been amazing. So blessed to be back with fam and majority of my best friends.  I have truly been taking the little time I have here left to spend it all with them.  But during this time, I must admit, I have NOT been having the necessary individual personal devotion time I usually do have with my Heavenly Father.

Now, I definitely don't feel like I'm at my most spiritual low. Not at all, but I know I'm not at my highest (I say this in complete confidence because I have been better in my walk in Christ).  I have come to realize that sometimes during our time off, you would think because we have much more time on our hands, it gives us much more time to get closer to GOD.  On the other hand recently, I have fell on the other end of the stick. I have come to realize that though you may have all this free time, you have to much of it you don't know what to do with it instead of sticking to a usual set schedule.

Psalm 9:16

The Lord is known for his justice.
The wicked are TRAPPED by their own deeds.

It almost feels like as if your behind a closed door with no way out.  You feel because you've done so much for months or even years at a time that when you get a little break, you take to much of one.  I'm all for resting and gathering your thoughts together in order to recover so when the time is right, we can better serve for the Kingdom of GOD but at no point in time, should we use it as an excuse to not continuously grow in him.  So why is that at times we feel so TRAPPED with no other option?

Growing in the Kingdom can feel like a staircase.  We have our moments where we feel victorious and climbing our way to the top and at other times, we feel we spiral straight down to the bottom behind closed bars.  Yes... it is true that someone gets TRAPPED but allow GOD to encourage you to tell you that it is NOT YOU.  

Proverbs 12:13

The wicked are TRAPPED by their own words.
but the GODLY escape such trouble.

For Evil people and servants of the enemy twist the facts to support their claims.  Those who do this will eventually be TRAPPED by their own lies.  Not to be extreme but sometimes it's not necessarily "Evil People" but  even people we may serve in the Church with, family or friends may feed us lies in order to get us to a place where we can feel less than in order for us to bend to their will and do what it is they want us to do.  

2 Corinthians 3:16 - 18

But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.  For the LORD is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the LORD.  And the LORD who is the Spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.  

Ephesians 1:6-7

So we praise GOD for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.  He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our FREEDOM with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.  He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.  

We are FREE to roam the streets in which GOD has a plan for us where we can prosper and gives us a HOPE.  Though I have been blessed with parents whom speak positivity into my life, they both come from divorced families where they DID NOT have the greatest relationship with their father.  It is because of that very experience, they know what to NOT do.  They made a conscious decision in spite of what they may have lacked, to not be a victim and feel TRAPPED as if there was no HOPE to have something far greater.  And as an Individual, though I have had a positive influence, I CHOOSE to think of myself with much confidence because I am a child of the most high GOD.  Not because of what I have done because I am NOT saved by DOING good works, but AM saved BY good works.  And that's the blood of Jesus Christ.  

Though I may fall, though I may struggle in continuously growing in him, I'm not TRAPPED, I am FREE.  For I am NOT the same person I was last year or even 6 months ago.  This is to not at any point in time to belittle SIN or say it's ok when we know it's not.  This is to say we can not let our SIN be a reason on why we stunt our spiritual growth in Christ.  This is to say irrelevant to what the Nay Sayers have told us, we have the ability to make a conscious decision to choose to believe the words of the "Wicked" or what GOD has to say.  

1 Peter 2:15-16

It is GOD's will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you.  For you are FREE, you are GOD's slaves, so don't use your FREEDOM as an excuse to do evil.  Respect everyone, and LOVE your Christian brothers and sister.  Fear GOD, and respect the King.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lifetime Resolution

Well... it's a brand new year.  Many times, we are thankful for a new day which is definitely something to not be taken for granted but to make it through a whole other year? Is more than a blessing.  When ringing in the new year, many of us want to have a New Year Resolution.  We start the New Year with different goals and try to have a certain mindset when in actuality, it should be more than just a New Year "Resolution" but should be... a "Lifetime" Resolution.

Last year I attended Winter Camp with my Church back home in the Bay Area at Lake Tahoe and it was more than what I bargained for.  I would like to share with you what I learned as I entered the new year at this time last year.

Our weekend verse was...

Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of GOD's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to GOD - this is your spiritual act of worship.  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what GOD's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will

Are you going to let your past effect your future? Are you ready for change?

E - ENERGY THAT IS LOST (Worrying about the past and NOT Thinking about the future, can ruin the plan GOD has for you)

DENIAL is the very thing that extends our pain however, the Revealing of Feeling is the Beginning of Healing.
Ephesians 4:25-27

So STOP telling lies.  Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body.  And "don't sin by letting anger control you."  Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.

Throughout the weekend, not only were we ministered to by receiving great words of wisdom, but we did many exercises in which got us to really see us the way GOD sees us.  We did whats called a 5 word Story and Pastor Lem asked us to write 5 things down in which we really felt about ourselves in the eyes of GOD.  My words were... Unworthy, Screw Up, Scared, Sinful and Idiot.

In Romans 12, there are only two types of formation.  You decide whether you are being Conformed or Transformed. Translation: You choose whether you want to like JESUS, or Not.  You can be conformed by the external forces of the World, OR you can be transformed by the Holy Spirit with the renewing of your mind.

At the end of the weekend, we did another 5 word story except... we were to give our book to 5 other people and they were to write 5 positive things they saw in you.  I looked back in my book and my friends wrote... Compassionate, Gifted, Talented, Loving, Humble, Encouraging, Strong and Humorous.   I can honestly say, I had no idea that the same people I look up to in all ways of life, saw that in me.  My eyes began to water because I didn't see myself as many of the things they labeled me as.

1st John 4:18

Such LOVE has no FEAR, because perfect LOVE expels all fear.  If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have NOT fully experienced his perfect LOVE

Notice in this picture, on the left side, it's more dark and cloudy where as the other side, it more clear and bright.  Like this picture, there is a pattern to a transformed mind.  After every storm, the sun always comes out.  Being a child of GOD, you can overcome the world... because of LOVE.  For the Inner voice of a transformed mind is KNOWING that GOD says "You are my beLOVEd".  I write and share all this with you today to say that though what I learned took place around this time last year, it still rest fully in my heart.  That what I learned and what I use to beat myself up for, I did not want it to be just a New Years Resolution, but a Lifetime Resolution.  So know and be encouraged that all you've been through doesn't have to be just for the year of 2011, it can be for the rest of your life.