Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Focus + Discipline = Peace

Many times in life, we come across something that we want.  Something we desire and feel is of great importance of our life and that if we don't have it, we will miss out on the best thing that may be going for us.  So in the mean time, what do we do if we don't get what we want?

Now believe me, I am definitely a person whom believes in receiving a blessing from GOD and that if you ask, you shall receive BUT, everything has it's season.  Still maintain FAITH and HOPE that you can and will achieve whatever it is your heart desires (especially if it is GOD sent) but understand that with that vision, it may require patience.  And patience requires FOCUS and DISCIPLINE.

Matthew 6:33

Seek the Kingdom of GOD* above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. 

FOCUS:  The center of interest or activity.

  • The state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition
  • Another term for FOCAL POINT
  • An act of concentrating interest or activity on something

It's so easy to FOCUS on the very thing that's right in front of us.  At times we may get so caught up in what's near, we forget to look past the obvious when we need to be focusing on what appears to be distant.  And you may find out that what you thought was far, wasn't so distant in the 1st place.  Once you've established your focal point, you then DISCIPLINE yourself to stay on track of the very thing you want to grasp. 

DISCIPLINE:  Activity or experience that provides mental or physical training

Hebrews 12:5-6

... My Child, don't make light of the Lord's DISCIPLINE,
and don't give up when he corrects you.
For the Lord DISCIPLINEs those he LOVEs,
and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.

Praise GOD we serve a GOD whom will punish us to correct us for the betterment of his Kingdom.  For it is through punishment, correcting and training that we can and will learn what is right.  It's not always pleasant when corrected by GOD but by him DISCIPLINing us, it demonstrates proof of his LOVE.
Hebrews 12:11

No DISCIPLINE is enjoyable while it is happening-it's painful! But afterward there will be a PEACEful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.  

I don't know about you, but I want to live such a peaceful life.  I realize I have definitely had my moments where I knew what I wanted but what I wanted wasn't always in my best interest.  And maybe it is, but it may not be the right time.  I have to be patient enough to know when GOD is doing a work in me and continue to be FOCUSed and DISCIPLINEd on the only one thing that matters.  My Savior, My Refuge, My Redeemer, My King of Kings, My Lord of Lords and above all else, my Heavenly Father needs to be my main focus (hence to seek 1st the Kingdom of GOD).  To fill your thoughts with his desires, to take his character for your pattern, to serve and obey him in everything, to put GOD first in your life.  For HE IS the BEST thing going for us.



  1. Amen!!! I need to focus more on him as opposed to all the other stuff...cause only he can work it out.

  2. Don't worry hun. I'm right there with you =)
