1 Peter 4:12-13
Dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.
Without certain irritation, we WILL NOT develop the pearls we may need to receive what's in store for us by GOD. For he is not interested in always changing your circumstances (which he is more than capable of) but much more interested in changing your heart.
This time last year, I was struggling tremendously being second in charge of my ROTC Battalion with all the task and responsibilities I had being a Cadet Executive Officer. I remember praying for GOD to remove certain people at the Battalion or asking him to change people and even asking him to remove me of my position/title but nothing was happening. I went to church and the Lord spoke to me and I learned something. There is nothing wrong with asking GOD to change your situation and circumstances but until he does, be open to yourself. For if GOD doesn't change what you've been praying about, be cautious and sensitive enough in the Holy Spirit to know that the Lord may want to keep you in your place to either use you to be an example unto someone else OR, he is trying to teach you something in which you need to gain before you can move forward in life. I have also discovered that many times, we can be stuck in a place much longer than we need to be because we have not learned what it is GOD may be trying to teach us. Not to say we can and will miss out on our blessing but, we can easily prolong what he has in store for us longer than we need to.
"Don't EVER ask GOD to change someone else if YOU haven't asked him to change you"
Needless to say, I changed my mindset and at the Military Ball, I received the Saber Award. The Saber Award is given to a Senior Cadet ever year for his or her accomplishments. I don't say this to brag at all and if you think that's what I'm doing, then you have definitely missed the point. It is to show that GOD rewards those openly when you continuously walk right in Christ because I give him all the Glory. After all the complaining I did and what I thought was being done wrong and how people in the program mistreated one another as well as myself, I was rewarded with a great honor.
James 1:12
GOD blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that GOD has promised to those who love him.
Below you will see a clip of a very common song named "How Great is Our GOD". It's not to display the song but the people who sing the song (watching the whole video isn't necessary, but to point out the specific individuals who encourage me). 4 very beautiful woman of GOD I know personally are in this clip and it is what that which made this moment for me so personal and emotional.
I've known Miriam (The Lead singer in Purple) for a couple years but just recently have been able to know her so much more on a personal level. For the 1st time, I was able to see her minister her talents to hundreds of young people. To her left was another great friend of mine named Dymond. The moment I looked at her, I flashed back in my head and was just amazed to see how much she had GROWN in Christ. In front of the stage you see a young lady in a red shirt with glasses (Yessenia) and another young lady in purple with a black top right in front of my camera named Magaly. I have an extremely special connection with them because I am their teacher. Within a 3 month time frame, I have seen all four of these woman GROW significantly in the LORD and I had a moment of such JOY in my heart. It truly restored my HOPE and encourages me to maintain my FAITH in Christ.
1 Peter 1:7
These trials will show that your FAITH is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold - though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your FAITH remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
If we are the same as we were 5 years ago, we seriously need a reality check from our LOVED ones and just know... It's time to GROW UP. We need to constantly be GROWing and get ourselves to a point where things or people that use to bother us, should not bother us as much or at all. For GOD is not here to irritate you, but to refine you. For he LOVES us way to much to keep us at the same level were at.
Ohhh I think some one is addicted to blogging!!!!