Monday, December 27, 2010


So many times in life, I wonder if I am doing what I need to be doing in representing Christ.  I tend to have quite a few moments where I'm so busy thinking about what I've done wrong instead of what I may be doing right.  This past semester, I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach my passion to kids which is Hip-Hop in a Dance Ministry at my church.  I knew being their teacher, I would have to minister to them through dance but little did I know I would have to actually minister with my words and have devotion time with my kids.  As many of you know, I am now very close with my kids and have worked hard and been blessed to establish the wonderful bond and connection I now hold with them.  However, every great thing built has a beginning.

After have working with my kids for only 2 weeks (therefore only seeing them twice because we only meet once a week), my Director, Dominique approached me two days prior tellings me I need to come up with a subject to talk about because I not only will be leading devotion for my own kids, but some of the others who participate in our Kidslife/Teenlife Ministry. I mentally and spiritually did my research and prepared myself for such an opportunity and only prayed that GOD used me as an instrument for his will to reach out and speak to others.

I spoke about how vital and important paying attention to GOD's timing is everything.  How a blessing may be ours but it may be to early to receive such a thing because we are not at the place we need to be spiritually.  And that if were not cautious enough in the Holy Spirit to pay attention to such things, we may miss out on what GOD is trying to work in us, and if we don't develop the very trait that GOD wants us to build, we can and will miss out on a blessing.

Just last week, I was on my facebook page checking my notifications and noticed one of my kids (not one I specifically teach but work with on the side through my peers) tagged me in their status.  I ventured over and clicked the post and her status was... "The Right thing at the wrong time, is still the wrong thing" - Mark K. Benton II.  I commented on her status and said "HA!! When did you hear me say that?!" and she responded... "Devotional Saturday October 9th. I took notes. I'm gonna miss you Mr. Mark!!" I was absolutely blown away and almost started to cry right there on the spot.

It made me think how important it is to be careful and mindful at all times of what you do and what you say (ESPECIALLY when it comes to serving for kids/teenagers).  Their brains are like a sponge in which they absorb anything and everything at all times for the worse, or for the better.  It is so important that as Christians for other people in Christ or not in Christ, we are setting the right tone and being AMBASSADORs of Christ!  That as a mentor, we have the ability to plant seeds of FAITH and HOPE just as we can plant seeds of worry, doubt, or fear.

2 Corinthians 5:20

So we are Christ's AMBASSADORs; GOD is making his appeal through us.  We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to GOD!"

Like the very grass you see in this picture which sprouts from a seed, it takes time for it to grow.  When nurtured and watered properly, it grows and stands to be upright, healthy and displays the wonderful characteristics it has to offer this world.  My experience with my student Lauren truly blessed me and became a great testimony to me.  Little did I know the power I truly do have with my words and I am just overly grateful that GOD used them to build someone up and not tear someone down.  

Proverbs 18:21

The tongue can bring death or life;
those who LOVE to talk will reap the consequences.

I remember when I heard that, I began to be very cautious of what I say.  Not just for my own sake because I never wish to speak doubt or any type of fear over my own life, but for the sake of others.  We have more power in our words than we know. If we are going to continue to walk in the Holy Spirit and be AMBASSADORs of Christ (GODs personal representatives), it is imperative to know that we have more of an impact and influence on people than we think.  Whether it comes to our peers, our family, best friends and especially any kids we may be working with, we are to ensure that at all times, the right seeds are being planted.  Though your moment of "influence" may have taken place over two months ago, that very moment may be taking root in their hearts right now.  And because you allowed GOD to use you, they are that much better in Christ for their own sake, and those around them.

Ephesians 6:20

I am in chains now, still preaching this message as GOD's AMBASSADOR.  So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.     

There is nothing wrong in praying for GOD to change your circumstance but until he does, be sensitive in the spirit to know he's either trying to do a work in you to grow you, or use you to be an example to someone else.  If you haven't received a miracle yet, then become one.



  1. Very cool, Mr. Mark! Very cool! I love this post... and yes, the kids' minds are like sponges. Trust me, my first pre-school class are now my friends on FB and they are 25 years old! They still remember me and still call me Miss Lani. They have blown me away from what they remembered about me. Praise God it was all good and loving. You just never know what ripples you send out to kids... just make sure they are encouraging ripples that will touch them with God's love. =) Very good, Mr. Mark!

  2. Haha Now ATe, you know good and well you don't need to call me Mr. Mark. Lol! But yea Ate! Kids are just... Wow! I'm so attached to these guys and really do miss them. And I do Praise GOD that I spoke positive things in which will better them for GOD's kingdom. It truly is a blessing and I only pray I continue to milk the relationships I do have with my kids as they continue to grow as well. Thank You for your words ATe Lan.
