Friday, December 31, 2010


2010 has been a TRIP! If you rewind the clock all the way to January 1st, 2010 and look at where everything is now? Wow! This has been an extremely blessed year.  Of course, nothing is always perfect but I have witnessed so much growth this past year. Not just in myself but in others as well.

2010 was the year where I realized how broken I am without Christ
2010 was the year where I realized that I was given one of the hardest positions in my ROTC Program
2010 was the year where I realized that some of my family members struggled with health issues
2010 was the year where my Uncle passed away due to Muscular Dystrophy
(He was Paralyzed from the Neck Down)
2010 was the year I planned to take a trip outside the country and didn't due to my Financial Situation
2010 was the year where my sister struggled to apply for nursing school
2010 was the year where one of my best friends felt unappreciated
2010 was the year where one of my best friends struggled bonding with his family
2010 was the year where I constantly prayed to do my passion and didn't see anything come to past
2010 was the year where I didn't know if I would graduate because of issues with my classes

One thing I've come to realize in life is that we don't have control over EVERYTHING that happens to us in life. We can control MANY things but not EVERYTHING and when things don't go our way, like what you see below, it's all in your PERSPECTIVE.

2 Corinthians 5:17

This mean that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  
The old life is gone; a new life has begun.

It's so easy to look at things sideways and because of our PERSPECTIVE, things can be worse than what they really are.  This is NOT to ever under any circumstances belittle anyones situation or circumstance but I ask you this... What are you Magnifying?  

2010 was the year I realized how COMPLETE I am in Christ
2010 was the year I realized because of my leadership position in ROTC, I grew as a Leader for when I lead as an Officer in the United States Army
2010 was the year I realized that while my family members struggled with their health, they still maintained their Joy
2010 was the year that after my Uncle passed, many continue to do their passion because of my Uncles encouragement, influence and positive attitude he remained regardless of what he didn't have.
2010 was the year I ended up taking a trip to Las Vegas, stayed in one of the finest hotels on the strip to witness the very best of Hip Hop Crews from all over the World under one roof Compete
2010 was the year my sister not only got accepted into Nursing School but just completed her 1st semester pulling off a 3.6 GPA
2010 was the year where one of my best friends knew she was appreciated because of GOD's direct LOVE and in addition, the LOVE she receives from her family and friends.
2010 was the year where one of my best friends spent a full Thanksgiving Meal and Christmas for the 1st time in years with his family
2010 was the year where not only did I do my passion for the one I LOVE most, but grew as a dancer myself by participating in two Dance Performances in which one of them included "tWitch" from "So You Think You Can Dance/Step Up 3" with my Church Fam.
2010 was the year where I not only graduated, but commissioned as an Officer in the U.S. ARMY

I say this to say, all of what you read is true, the good and the bad.  Though it is unfortunate I endured some of the things I went through, the positive that happened definitely out weights the negative.  We can't change what's happened in the past; We can't change how people will act in certain situations; And We can't change what ever unfortunate thing may come that we have no control over but... we CAN change... 


Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, "says the LORD."  They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a HOPE.

Like looking at a bug through a Magnifying Glass, the subject looks larger through the lens.  The size of the object itself is not changing, but the Magnifying Glass gives it the APPEARANCE that it's bigger than what it really is.  I thought to myself... how many times in life do we blow things out of proportion and make things bigger than what they really are?  When we magnify GOD, Our PERSPECTIVE of our Heavenly Father is Bigger than what it really is.  The Beautiful thing about Magnifying GOD though, is that... he really is bigger than what we think he is.  There has been some downs this past year but 2010 has been nothing but a RIDICULOUS, PHENOMENAL, OVERWHELMING BLESSING!  So I ask you... 

Are you Magnifying your Situation, Or Magnifying your GOD?  


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Source

Last night I wanted to have personal time with Christ.  Many times when I do devotion, I look over my notes from Church, write in my personal Journal and then read a book from Christian Authors such as "Every Man's Battle, Every Woman's Battle, The Dream Giver, Boy Meets Girl, Battlefield of the Mind etc" I am currently reading "Life without Limits" and it is very inspiring and encouraging.  However as I wanted to have my personal time with the Lord, I could not find my book. I began searching my room, my suitcase, living-room, my parents car, I began to look everywhere I could think of and could not find it. I began to get a little frustrated because I was really eager to read more of the book and see what I could learn from the author.  It then occurred to me that sometimes I get so wrapped up in reading books of Christian Authors, I tend to pull away from the very SOURCE that even gives Christian Authors the proper information they use to express their words.  It has, is and will continue to be known as "The Bible".

I remember going to Bible Study at my church which was preached by Pastor Marcos Witt and he entitled his sermon "Why is the Bible so Powerful?" It was amazing and really motivates you as a child of GOD to really know the importance, the history and the power of the Bible.  Much of what will be said comes from what I learned that very night.

Psalm 119 is the longest book in the Bible and it speaks about the Bible. 
Psalm 119 vs...

9 How can a young person stay pure?
By obeying your word

11 I have hidden your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.

24 Your laws please me;
they give me wise advice

54 Your decrees have been the theme of my songs
where I have lived.

66 I believe in your commands;
now teach me good judgement and knowledge.

74 May all who fear you find in me a cause for joy,
for I have put my hope in your word.

80 May I be blameless in keeping your decrees;
then I will never be ashamed.

98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies
for they are my constant guide

104 Your commandments give me understanding;
no wonder I hate every false way of life

105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.

165 Those who love your instructions have great peace
and do not stumble

The Bible is the most sold, quoted and proven book in the History of mankind.  To us (followers in Christ), its the living, breathing and very word of GOD.  It's powerful because it testifies to its own power.  The proof of content and continuity proves its very worth.  Knowing that the Bible was written in over 3 languages, different continents from Palaces to even Prisons and that thousands of manuscripts have been found and compared to match verbatim takes Coordination.  And only DIVINE Coordination can pull that off.  The Bible is POWERFUL and part of that proof is our Testimony.  Just as we endure trials and have our seasons of being in the valley, we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony.  

GOD's word is true and wonderful and our SOURCE.  Stay true to GOD and his word no matter how bad the world becomes.  Obedience to GOD's law is the only way to achieve real happiness.  Everyday across the entire world in all nations, people transform completely because of the power that comes from scripture.  There is nothing wrong with reading books from pastors at all.  If anything, I believe that is an excellent way to continue to grow in Christ.  It is key to not forget the very thing that fuels the other books that we do read and come back to the SOURCE.  For the TRUTH will set YOU free.



I currently struggle with an issue.  Something that holds people back from fulfilling GOD's overall purpose. I still hold some mistakes I have made recently this past semester when knowing the person I have wronged has forgiven me, my best friends and family whom I've confided in has forgiven me and most of all, knowing GOD has forgiven me so I ask this... Why haven't I forgiven myself?  To put it simply, it's guilt.

Guilt:  A feeling of having done wrong or failed in an obligation

That's the very feeling I have or... had.

I spoke to my dad just now on what has been weighing on my heart and it was that very thing I am speaking of right now.  For I know that if I don't forgive myself, I am short changing and putting limits on GOD already because I have not surrendered myself fully to his will.

Psalm 32:5

Finally, I confessed all my sins to you
and stopped trying to hide my guilt.
I said to myself, "I will confess my rebellion to the Lord."
And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.

By confessing my sin, I am admitting my mistake and admitting my imperfection and acknowleding the very fact that he is right and the only one worthy to judge me of my wrong sinful desire I crave so much.  That in order for me to follow GOD, by me confessing my sin, I am against the very action I just committed.  

Romans 3:25-26

For GOD presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin.  People are made right with GOD when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood (on the Cross).  This sacrifice shows that GOD was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time.  GOD did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in Jesus.

A song by Hillsong really convicted me and it's entitled... "We the REDEEMED"  

There is nothing like Your LOVE
No exchange for all You gave
To be welcomed into life
So I can know the LOVE that saves

Now forever to be LOVED
To walk with You for all my days
There's no greater LOVE than this
You are the Author and the Way

This is the sound of the REDEEMED
Rising up to praise the King
Our HOPE is in You
This is the sound of the REDEEMED
Rising up to praise the King

Singing Glorious Glorious One You have saved us
Honor and Power and Praise to the Savior
You are the Answer You are the Answer

You come with power come with fire
As we lift Your name on high
And join with all the saints to sing
In Bringing Honor to the King

Hear us singing
You are HOLY
You are HOLY

Isaiah 35:9

Lions will not lurk along its course,
nor any other ferocious beasts.
There will be no other dangers.
Only the REDEEMED will walk on it.

The thing about being REDEEMED, it is not something we earn but simply given by our Heavenly Father whom sent us his one and only son.  And by choosing to believe that Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Light and that he died for the sake of mankind, and are assured in knowing the LORD rose Jesus from the dead, GOD counts us as righteous.  

Me not forgiving myself is a weapon the enemy uses against me because he know's that once I find the courage and will to overcome my disappointment, I become a threat.  That the very moment I realize my chains are broken, and that I am forgiven and have been given another chance, I can worship GOD freely as I was born and created to do, I can and WILL do damage.  Me not forgiving myself is just as bad as me not forgiving someone else.  For if someone did me wrong, I'm not forgiving for their sake, I'm forgiving for my own and that as a follower in Christ, I am to do so as he does.  I want to be restored so it's about time that I get on GOD's payroll.  For forgiveness is about not missing the very thing you need that may be a blessing.  And there is nothing more that the enemy LOVES than to see GOD's children miss their blessing because of lack of un-forgiveness.  So... I'm done!  Done with feeling sorry for myself and putting on the vibe of me being a victim and not feeling worthy enough for anything or anyone.  And truth is... though I'm truly not worthy for any of the many great things GOD already blesses me with, I just accept it and thank him for it.  I know it's nothing that we have done, but out of the grace, mercy and LOVE our Heavenly Father already holds for us.  And it is THAT, which gives me the ability to forgive myself and know, that I am REDEEMED.  

GOD is LOVE      

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Focus + Discipline = Peace

Many times in life, we come across something that we want.  Something we desire and feel is of great importance of our life and that if we don't have it, we will miss out on the best thing that may be going for us.  So in the mean time, what do we do if we don't get what we want?

Now believe me, I am definitely a person whom believes in receiving a blessing from GOD and that if you ask, you shall receive BUT, everything has it's season.  Still maintain FAITH and HOPE that you can and will achieve whatever it is your heart desires (especially if it is GOD sent) but understand that with that vision, it may require patience.  And patience requires FOCUS and DISCIPLINE.

Matthew 6:33

Seek the Kingdom of GOD* above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. 

FOCUS:  The center of interest or activity.

  • The state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition
  • Another term for FOCAL POINT
  • An act of concentrating interest or activity on something

It's so easy to FOCUS on the very thing that's right in front of us.  At times we may get so caught up in what's near, we forget to look past the obvious when we need to be focusing on what appears to be distant.  And you may find out that what you thought was far, wasn't so distant in the 1st place.  Once you've established your focal point, you then DISCIPLINE yourself to stay on track of the very thing you want to grasp. 

DISCIPLINE:  Activity or experience that provides mental or physical training

Hebrews 12:5-6

... My Child, don't make light of the Lord's DISCIPLINE,
and don't give up when he corrects you.
For the Lord DISCIPLINEs those he LOVEs,
and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.

Praise GOD we serve a GOD whom will punish us to correct us for the betterment of his Kingdom.  For it is through punishment, correcting and training that we can and will learn what is right.  It's not always pleasant when corrected by GOD but by him DISCIPLINing us, it demonstrates proof of his LOVE.
Hebrews 12:11

No DISCIPLINE is enjoyable while it is happening-it's painful! But afterward there will be a PEACEful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.  

I don't know about you, but I want to live such a peaceful life.  I realize I have definitely had my moments where I knew what I wanted but what I wanted wasn't always in my best interest.  And maybe it is, but it may not be the right time.  I have to be patient enough to know when GOD is doing a work in me and continue to be FOCUSed and DISCIPLINEd on the only one thing that matters.  My Savior, My Refuge, My Redeemer, My King of Kings, My Lord of Lords and above all else, my Heavenly Father needs to be my main focus (hence to seek 1st the Kingdom of GOD).  To fill your thoughts with his desires, to take his character for your pattern, to serve and obey him in everything, to put GOD first in your life.  For HE IS the BEST thing going for us.


Monday, December 27, 2010


So many times in life, I wonder if I am doing what I need to be doing in representing Christ.  I tend to have quite a few moments where I'm so busy thinking about what I've done wrong instead of what I may be doing right.  This past semester, I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach my passion to kids which is Hip-Hop in a Dance Ministry at my church.  I knew being their teacher, I would have to minister to them through dance but little did I know I would have to actually minister with my words and have devotion time with my kids.  As many of you know, I am now very close with my kids and have worked hard and been blessed to establish the wonderful bond and connection I now hold with them.  However, every great thing built has a beginning.

After have working with my kids for only 2 weeks (therefore only seeing them twice because we only meet once a week), my Director, Dominique approached me two days prior tellings me I need to come up with a subject to talk about because I not only will be leading devotion for my own kids, but some of the others who participate in our Kidslife/Teenlife Ministry. I mentally and spiritually did my research and prepared myself for such an opportunity and only prayed that GOD used me as an instrument for his will to reach out and speak to others.

I spoke about how vital and important paying attention to GOD's timing is everything.  How a blessing may be ours but it may be to early to receive such a thing because we are not at the place we need to be spiritually.  And that if were not cautious enough in the Holy Spirit to pay attention to such things, we may miss out on what GOD is trying to work in us, and if we don't develop the very trait that GOD wants us to build, we can and will miss out on a blessing.

Just last week, I was on my facebook page checking my notifications and noticed one of my kids (not one I specifically teach but work with on the side through my peers) tagged me in their status.  I ventured over and clicked the post and her status was... "The Right thing at the wrong time, is still the wrong thing" - Mark K. Benton II.  I commented on her status and said "HA!! When did you hear me say that?!" and she responded... "Devotional Saturday October 9th. I took notes. I'm gonna miss you Mr. Mark!!" I was absolutely blown away and almost started to cry right there on the spot.

It made me think how important it is to be careful and mindful at all times of what you do and what you say (ESPECIALLY when it comes to serving for kids/teenagers).  Their brains are like a sponge in which they absorb anything and everything at all times for the worse, or for the better.  It is so important that as Christians for other people in Christ or not in Christ, we are setting the right tone and being AMBASSADORs of Christ!  That as a mentor, we have the ability to plant seeds of FAITH and HOPE just as we can plant seeds of worry, doubt, or fear.

2 Corinthians 5:20

So we are Christ's AMBASSADORs; GOD is making his appeal through us.  We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to GOD!"

Like the very grass you see in this picture which sprouts from a seed, it takes time for it to grow.  When nurtured and watered properly, it grows and stands to be upright, healthy and displays the wonderful characteristics it has to offer this world.  My experience with my student Lauren truly blessed me and became a great testimony to me.  Little did I know the power I truly do have with my words and I am just overly grateful that GOD used them to build someone up and not tear someone down.  

Proverbs 18:21

The tongue can bring death or life;
those who LOVE to talk will reap the consequences.

I remember when I heard that, I began to be very cautious of what I say.  Not just for my own sake because I never wish to speak doubt or any type of fear over my own life, but for the sake of others.  We have more power in our words than we know. If we are going to continue to walk in the Holy Spirit and be AMBASSADORs of Christ (GODs personal representatives), it is imperative to know that we have more of an impact and influence on people than we think.  Whether it comes to our peers, our family, best friends and especially any kids we may be working with, we are to ensure that at all times, the right seeds are being planted.  Though your moment of "influence" may have taken place over two months ago, that very moment may be taking root in their hearts right now.  And because you allowed GOD to use you, they are that much better in Christ for their own sake, and those around them.

Ephesians 6:20

I am in chains now, still preaching this message as GOD's AMBASSADOR.  So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.     

There is nothing wrong in praying for GOD to change your circumstance but until he does, be sensitive in the spirit to know he's either trying to do a work in you to grow you, or use you to be an example to someone else.  If you haven't received a miracle yet, then become one.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Grow Up

This past weekend we had a sermon about how GOD GROWS you.  How everyone starts at the same place and at some point we were selfish, prideful, felt worthless, full of impurities etc.  But it's not where you start, it's where you finish.

1 Peter 4:12-13

Dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.  Instead, be very glad for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.  

Without certain irritation, we WILL NOT develop the pearls we may need to receive what's in store for us by GOD.  For he is not interested in always changing your circumstances (which he is more than capable of) but much more interested in changing your heart.  

This time last year, I was struggling tremendously being second in charge of my ROTC Battalion with all the task and responsibilities I had being a Cadet Executive Officer.  I remember praying for GOD to remove certain people at the Battalion or asking him to change people and even asking him to remove me of my position/title but nothing was happening.  I went to church and the Lord spoke to me and I learned something.  There is nothing wrong with asking GOD to change your situation and circumstances but until he does, be open to yourself.  For if GOD doesn't change what you've been praying about, be cautious and sensitive enough in the Holy Spirit to know that the Lord may want to keep you in your place to either use you to be an example unto someone else OR, he is trying to teach you something in which you need to gain before you can move forward in life.  I have also discovered that many times, we can be stuck in a place much longer than we need to be because we have not learned what it is GOD may be trying to teach us.  Not to say we can and will miss out on our blessing but, we can easily prolong what he has in store for us longer than we need to.  

"Don't EVER ask GOD to change someone else if YOU haven't asked him to change you"

Needless to say, I changed my mindset and at the Military Ball, I received the Saber Award.  The Saber Award is given to a Senior Cadet ever year for his or her accomplishments.  I don't say this to brag at all and if you think that's what I'm doing, then you have definitely missed the point.  It is to show that GOD rewards those openly when you continuously walk right in Christ because I give him all the Glory.  After all the complaining I did and what I thought was being done wrong and how people in the program mistreated one another as well as myself, I was rewarded with a great honor.  

James 1:12

GOD blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation.  Afterward they will receive the crown of life that GOD has promised to those who love him.

Below you will see a clip of a very common song named "How Great is Our GOD".  It's not to display the song but the people who sing the song (watching the whole video isn't necessary, but to point out the specific individuals who encourage me).  4 very beautiful woman of GOD I know personally are in this clip and it is what that which made this moment for me so personal and emotional.  

I've known Miriam (The Lead singer in Purple) for a couple years but just recently have been able to know her so much more on a personal level.  For the 1st time, I was able to see her minister her talents to hundreds of young people.  To her left was another great friend of mine named Dymond.  The moment I looked at her, I flashed back in my head and was just amazed to see how much she had GROWN in Christ.  In front of the stage you see a young lady in a red shirt with glasses (Yessenia) and another young lady in purple with a black top right in front of my camera named Magaly.  I have an extremely special connection with them because I am their teacher.  Within a 3 month time frame, I have seen all four of these woman GROW significantly in the LORD and I had a moment of such JOY in my heart.  It truly restored my HOPE and encourages me to maintain my FAITH in Christ.  

1 Peter 1:7

These trials will show that your FAITH is genuine.  It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold - though your faith is far more precious than mere gold.  So when your FAITH remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.    

If we are the same as we were 5 years ago, we seriously need a reality check from our LOVED ones and just know... It's time to GROW UP.  We need to constantly be GROWing and get ourselves to a point where things or people that use to bother us, should not bother us as much or at all.  For GOD is not here to irritate you, but to refine you.  For he LOVES us way to much to keep us at the same level were at.  



I have been dancing for over 10 years and I have a very strong passion for it.  Doing what you LOVE most is the best thing you can do in life right? How about... doing the thing you LOVE most for the one you LOVE most? For the past few years, I have prayed many times that GOD uses my passion for his glory.  That I would be able to gather myself amongst young adults and people my age to teach dance so we can glorify GOD.  And my prayers were answered.  I wanted to be around people my age.  I began to pray, doors opened up and the LORD gave me 9.  9 kids from as young as 9 years old to 14.  Clearly, that was not what I wanted (just like us to want our way at our own time).  But I figured it could be a way for me to eventually get to what I originally wanted.  We had our 1st rehearsal in September and I remember thinking to myself, I had to be very patient and somewhat slow on teaching our 1st routine.  And I will be the very 1st to tell you when I say... "I WAS WRONG"

I ended up teaching them 75% of the routine within our very 1st 2 hour rehearsal.  And not only were they getting it, we were having so much fun!  Never was there a point where the kids got so out of hand, they ignored me and overstepped my role.  Never did I have to yell at them to get their attention.  I mean... not only were we having a great time, I really came to find that these kids have such a passion for GOD.  As young as 12 years old, they make statements like... "PRAISE GOD/ALL GLORY TO GOD" and it blows me away! I don't remember at anytime being their age and having those words come out of my mouth. I mean... What a blessing to witness.

It is my responsibility as their teacher and being older to set an example and do my very best to minister to them but I've come to find out... If anything, they are the ones who minister to me just as much if not even more.  I have learned so much from them and extremely fortunate to have had the privilege of being in their presence.

After I told them I was leaving and moving because GOD has called me to a new place of living, the next time I saw them, they all gave me "Thank You" Cards and "We Will Miss You" Cards and a couple of gifts and I was really bought to tears.  I could not believe all the wonderful things they did and said about me.  Their words of encouragement and motivation was so LOVING.  The only thing I could do was just thank GOD over and over again because I am head over heels for these kids.

The Bible Says... "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, thou has perfect praise"

I overestimated myself and underestimated them.  For GOD used them to humble me and remind me that once again, it's not about me, it's not even about them, but about GOD.  And I am so grateful that GOD said NO, because him saying NO gave me my BEST.



This past weekend, I had a series of EXTREMELY FORTUNATE Events! But out of all the days, the most memorable and Over Whelming Day that literally bought tears to my eyes was Saturday December 11th 2010.  

For starters... I GRADUATED and received my Bachelors in Aviation Science Management! It was all such a wonderful experience.  Graduating in itself was a good feeling but what made it that much more special was celebrating it with two specific individuals.  My Bestie whom I've known since 1st semester of my Freshman year in College and someone I consider my Sister on all levels whom I've known since Jr. High.

Juby has been one of the very best things that has ever happened to me in life.  She has a story of her own of how she came to Houston and how long she's been in school but she eventually overcame her obstacles and graduated.  I was extremely happy to see her cross that stage but the fact that I got to be right next to her and not only celebrate for her but celebrate with her made it much more special.

Then there's my sis CHEVON! Man have we been through it! Talk about two different people from two different worlds but PRAISE GOD for this girl.  I have known her since the 8th grade and have seen her develop and grow so much but as much as she has grown, she has stayed true to herself and never changed what she represents.  So strong and motivated to achieve great things in life.  What made it amazingly great to graduate with this girl was we graduated 8th grade together, High School together and then... COLLEGE! WOW! Only GOD can orchestrate such Divine Intervention and I'm so SO proud of her!

Once Graduation was over, I had to go to Church where I've been volunteering my time for the past semester since September of this year.  For the past 2 months myself along with my directors, co-volunteers, girls and Aaron have worked extremely hard on putting together a Christmas Production and as GOD would have it... It was the same day as my Graduation.  So not only was I able to do my passion, my whole family (Not just my parents but my Godmother, Uncle and Aunt) were able to experience and watch my kids minister that Evening!  Best part... my family finally got to meet my kids and the rest of my Lakewood Church family and it was this moment...

seeing my family, best friends and my girls all together as one was the very best part of the event hands down.

As the evening continued, I then got Baptized! Yup, that's right I got Baptized. I have been wanting to do it for years but between traveling back and forth between home and being in Houston, I have not got the opportunity to do it and the reason why I waited is because I wanted my family to witness my change in a spiritual aspect.  Not only did I get to get baptized but my dad came as I was approaching the pool and he called my name and decided to get baptized with me. Yes... All of this happened in the same day.

I say all this to say that as great as all of these things were, none of it means anything if you don't have anyone to share it with.  So 12-11-10 definitely with out a doubt goes down as one of the best days of my life with no hesitation.  



Joy is referred to as Happiness or an emotion.  I have lived a very blessed life.  But in this life, I have not had all victories, I have also had some failures.  For what may seem like a SETBACK may be a SETUP for something better.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Always be JOYful.  Never stop praying.  Be Thankful in all circumstances, for this is GOD's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 15:30

A cheerful look brings JOY to the heart, good news makes for good health.

I can't stress enough how important it is to watch your body language and facial expressions.  It is said that when you meet people in life, 90% of the time you will not remember what they say, BUT you remember what you feel when your around them.  JOY is not only to be expressed with your words, but with your body language and how you treat people. So choose to live with JOY in your heart! It not only blesses you, it blesses others.

Proverbs 21:15

Justice is a JOY to the godly, but it terrifies evildoers.

Justice is such JOY to the GODLY because you grow yourself to a point in Christ where things that use to bother you, don't bother you as much anymore.  Anyone whom may have done you wrong, you no longer worry about getting revenge, but instead, you let it go because you know GOD will do you justice.  And when the enemy knows that you know this principle, he gets terrified because you become a threat!

Acts 2:28

You have shown me the way of life, and you will fill me with the JOY of your presence.

It is not easy being a Christian.  Times can be hard and difficult but once you've lived a certain lifestyle and you experience the way of life when lead by Christ, JOY almost seems to be an understatement.  So many times I've found myself discouraged but when I surround myself with GODLY people, and I begin to sing songs of praise because knowing songs of praise precedes the victory, I am in the presence of the most high and am filled with JOY

1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

After all, what gives us HOPE and JOY, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our LORD Jesus when he returns?  It is you!

When we grow in Christ, you find and experience such JOY in him.  But we are not alone.  We are ambassadors of Christ.  GOD's personal representatives.  And because we represent him, we are to continue to spread the good news.  When it is spread and someone comes to Christ, we should have as much JOY for them (and believe me, I am still learning that very thing this moment).  Your highest rewards and greatest joy should be those who come to believe in Christ and are growing in him.  As 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 stated... "Rejoice always, pray without  ceasing etc..." I've learned why it's so important to learn to dance in the rain instead of waiting for the storm to pass.  We are commanded (Notice the verse is not a suggestion but a statement) because when we stay in JOY, it is that very element that motivates us to move on towards our next victory.  When you view a photo album, it usually grasp all the good moments in life.  What people forget is that it's the difficult times that moves you on to the next.  And in those difficult times, we must maintain our JOY.


Saturday, December 11, 2010


1 Corinthians 13:4-7
LOVE is patient and kind.  LOVE is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.  It does not demand its own way.  It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  LOVE never gives up, never loses FAITH, is always HOPEful, and endures through every circumstance.

In a 24 hours period, my life has forever changed.  December 10th 2:00p.m. - December 11th 2:00p.m. I have commissioned as Second Lieutenant Officer in the United States Army and will have received my Bachelors Degree in Aviation Science Management from Texas Southern University. BUT I'm not here to talk about that.  This "blog" is not about what I have done, accomplished or even plan to do or accomplish.  This is about... YOU (My Family and the people who have EARNED the Title of being one of my BEST FRIENDS)


My Family... I am truly speechless when I even begin to think of my family.  I am more than aware of some of the stories whom others have that may have suffered at the hands of their own families and it truly saddens my heart.  Some of my best friends don't have the best relationship with either their siblings or parents in their household and it truly humbles me.  Why? Because when I see some of my best friends doing the things they are doing (in a positive aspect) it only makes me look at them at a higher level.  Because some of my best friends are doing just as great, if not better than how I am as far as what they do and how they carry themselves in life in general.  I say this to say that I HAVE NO EXCUSE.  GOD LOVED me so much that he blessed me with the parents and sister I have.  As the old saying goes... "You can't pick your family" and you know what? I'm soooooo glad and grateful that though I can't pick my family, the family he picked for me is AMAZING.  For I don't know who I would be or what I would be doing if it wasn't for the support of my parents to guide me and my sister for me to live my life as best as I can to set an example for her. 

Fantastic 4

The Ultimate and so well known "Fantastic 4!!!" I have to take my time with these guys because individually they all hold a vital part of my life as well as a group (From Right to Left).   

James Brown = LOYAL   He is my longest lasting friend to current date.  I have known him for over 8 years now going on 9 and we are 7 years apart.  Yes... 7 years apart.  Man was graduating college as I was entering High School and instead of looking at what seemed to be obvious, he looked past my age and took me in as one of his own brothers.  He invited me to places, looked out for me, supported me, came to my games and Dance Show Recitals I mean... this man was ALWAYS there and still is to this day.  The most LOYAL friend I have to date hands down.

Anneline a.k.a. LOA = PROTECTIVE    Now Anneline just became a part of our group a couple years ago and was introduced to us by James.  From the very start, she has looked out for me and acted as the older sister I never had.  She was protecting me before I even got a chance to know her and that, as a person is the exact and very type of person she is!  LOA stands firm, takes charge and not only does she NOT let others push her around, she will tear those up who cross any of her LOVED ones because she can not stand to see those she cares about most get double crossed.  She is the one that will look out for you on all levels from start to finish.

Ronnie = INSPIRATION    This man Inspires me in life!  I mean... From day one when we met, we were both at a very hard place in our life but based on the situation and circumstance at the time, we let everything out and were very transparent with each other on what we struggled with.  This man has been through every single thing you can think of that no child should go through and for him to maintain the mindset he has (and it's a mindset of wanting to continue to serve GOD and Others at all times) inspite of where he comes from, blows me away (As I said up top, there's no way I'd be who I'd be or where I'd be if it weren't for my parents) and I say that as a reminder because people like Ronnie?!  Those who may come from a broken home and don't make excuses and are still being positive reinforcement to others! WOW!  What a testimony.  A man who has truly over come anything and everything.  He makes me ask myself... "If he can do it, why can't I?".  For his strength in GOD is not just something he wants for himself, but he wants for you because he has LOVED you.

THIS... is MY Fantastic 4!


Jordan = DETERMINED    Jordan and I were pretty good friends back in High School.  We played Basketball together and knew each other fairly well but, it wasn't until I graduated High School, a real friendship took off.  I don't know what it is (call us old school) but when it came to developing my friendship with Jordan on a whole new level, we followed "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" Concept.  Out of all my friends, I have seen Jordan grow the most in Christ.  From where he was when we 1st met compared to now?  It's unbelievable and Praise GOD for his transformation in him.  Jordan is so DETERMINED to achieve all things for the greater good in Christ! DETERMINED to grow more in him for his own sake and the sake of being a better example for his brother and the rest of his family.  


Phil = GROWTH    Phil is one of the most intelligent young man I know as well as the funniest.  As intelligent as this man is, he still continues to GROW himself in Christ at all times so he can share the knowledge he has with his loved ones and GROW them spiritually.  He not only has a deep spiritual side in which he constantly wants to better himself in the LORD but has a side to where he truly just enjoys and lives life!  He has helped encourage me to do what I want to do and put action behind all thoughts.  He has LOVED me by helping me in my GROWTH spiritually and non-spiritually in life in itself.


Leo a.k.a. Buddy/B-Luv = JOY    I have never met a man whom lives with so much JOY in his heart as this guy!  I mean... WOW!  Always smiling, Always laughing, Always loving, Always LOVED by others (And believe me when I say Always LOVED by others).  This is a man whom people want to be around all the time because of the JOY he carries in his heart, and that JOY is definitely a reflection of GOD working in his heart and his spirit.  Buddy LOVES me as a brother in Christ at all times Unconditionally and I know with out a shadow of a doubt that he get's his motivation from Christ and everyone else the good LORD has put in his life.  When you have JOY in your life, its so easy to LOVE


Juby a.k.a. Jubykins/Juby Bear/Angel Face/My #1/5 Star Chick = INDESCRIBABLE
Juby is... Exactly as I said! INDESCRIBABLE!  I say that because so many different things come to mind when I hear her name and I really can't give her one word but... INDESCRIBABLE.  She's strong, has been beat down and broken but reshaped and remolded into GOD's perfect image by GOD.  She inspires me to express myself more than one way and I truly can't even explain how my life has been forever changed simply meeting this wonderful woman of GOD.  I also get the proud privilege of fulfilling one of my greatest accomplishments in life with her as we Graduate December 11th 9:30a.m.!  The fact that I even get to graduate with my Bestie is... INDESCRIBABLE.  I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that this woman will do unbelievable things in the Kingdom of GOD and I am so excited to see what the LORD has in store for her.  For she is well able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond anything she can possibly imagine and stands as a great threat to the enemy.

1 John 5:11 - 12
Dear friends, since GOD LOVED us that much, we surely ought to LOVE each other.  No one has ever seen GOD.  But if we LOVE each other, GOD lives in us, and his LOVE is brought to full expression in us.

Though we all may be different, shy, laid back, reserve, outgoing, charming, loud, talkative, opinionated,  comical, it doesn't matter how many people we love, it's about LOVING faithfully the people GOD has given us to LOVE.  So I write this to say... THANK YOU!  THANK YOU for your support, for your guidance and belief in me.  Thank you for not keeping track of record of all the dumb mistakes I may have done in life, for not judging me and of course, your LOVE.  For GOD LOVED me so much, he blessed and gave me YOU.  Because of your LOVE, I have FAITH, and because of your FAITH, I have HOPE.


Friday, December 10, 2010

2 in 1

This past summer I spent a night out with my best friends and our Church Fams at my boys household and we had a blessed time.  I remember looking at my sister Anneline, and as she was fixed on something of great importance, I took out my camera and was able to capture her emotion of dedication and commitment towards her element. After I took the picture, I realized my other best friend Ronnie was captured in the moment with a complete different emotion in comparison to Anneline.

12 hours from now, I will be an official Officer of the United States Army and 36 hours from now, I will be a College Graduate.  It has been quite a road. Challenging yet so much fun.  I can honestly say the last past 4 1/2 years of my life have been PHENOMENAL! I've had the opportunity to participate in more things than I anticipated from my Freshman year and it has been a fantastic ride. However, all things must come to an end.  Not to say that I'm 100% NOT Looking forward to Graduate or say I'm 100% ready to Graduate but things will be... different.

Like my 2 best friends caught in 1 picture which display two different emotions, so are mine.  1 shows an emotion of being fixed, curios, anxious and unsure while the other indicates laughter, joy, and being in the background.  Part of me want's to be up front where I look focused and determined but on the other hand, I have no problem wanting to be in the background and just enjoy myself for this specific moment.  I'm excited to graduate, and then I'm not.  I'm excited to Commission and then I'm not.  Why? 1 side is focused on whats to come and curious to see where this road will lead me where as the other wants to chill in the background and not move on with my life so I won't have to own up to real responsibility.  I know a chunk of it is F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) but it's times like this where it's so important more than ever that even when I can't see it at the time, I maintain my F.A.I.T.H. (Full Assurance In The Heart).  For when I honor GOD with everything I have.  He'll honor me with everything he has.  And you just may come to find out that when you simply enjoy the moment you try to capture, getting "2 in 1" isn't so bad after all.


Thursday, December 9, 2010


So I am getting ready for something big.  As we grow in life, we will face many changes.  I am only 2 days away from Graduating and 1 day away from my commissioning ceremony.  Since I am commissioning, I will be going into the Army as a 2LT in the Medical Service Corps where I will be moving to Alaska.  Since September of this year, GOD has given me the wonderful opportunity of fulfilling my passion with some wonderful kids.  I got to teach the one thing I love most for the one I love most and became a Dance Instructor for the Dance Ministry at my church in Houston.  After spending 3 beautiful months with them, I had to sadly break this news to the kids I have had the privilege of working with the past couple months at my church of my absence starting next year.  They took it much better than I anticipated but of course, we are all pretty sad.  

I went to church tonight because my kids were having rehearsal so I figured I'd come just to spend and have some more time with them.  When we were done, we were all sent downstairs because my director Dominique and Candice wanted to have a massive group meeting.  Come to find out, there was no meeting, it was a Surprise going away get together for me!  If you look below and play the video before you, you will see their reaction, as well as mine (It's some what long so you can watch just the 1st 30 seconds).

From the very moment they all screamed... "SURPRISE!" I was completely OVERWHELMED! Overwhelmed with such Joy! Overwhelmed with such Grace! Overwhelmed with such Excitement! Overwhelmed with such Happiness but above all... Overwhelmed with such LOVE! And all I could do in that moment was completely receive all of GOD's LOVE he has displayed for me through them! For as mentioned before, LOVE isn't just about what you say but what you do.  And my kids don't just say they LOVE me, they show it.  I left my macbook with them and when I came back, they came up to me and said... "We have a gift for you Mark! LOOK!!"




For I am NOT worthy of even having them as a part of my life yet GOD LOVED me so much, he allowed me to be a part of theirs.  For I have truly experienced the wonderful meaning of LOVE. My heart is overtaken, my soul is OVERWHELMED knowing the worst of me succeeds by the best of GOD.  And I'm at my best because of kids like them! 


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

There is LOVE!

     Chris Tomlin - LOVE

When our hope is hard to find
And our faith is in decline
We need a cause to stand behind, Love

We all want the way it feels
Time it comes and time it steels
What remains, and what is real, Love

There is love, there is forgiveness
There is love in times of need
When life is cold there is a promise
You would never go without
There is love, there is love

It heals the sick, comforts the weak
Breaks the proud, raises the meek
In this life, no guarantees but there is Love

There is love, there is forgiveness
There is love in times of need
When life is cold, there is a promise
You will never go without

LOVE is the answer
LOVE will find a way
When we LOVE one another
It's a brighter Day!

LOVE is something everyone knows and experiences. Whether it is with a family, friend or something your passionate about.  It's more common than we anticipate. All artist write about LOVE. It's the very thing that keeps everything flowing in our World. It's LOVE that encourages us to do our best for others because we LOVE them as much. The beautiful thing about LOVE is that when you give it, you can receive it.