Now, I definitely don't feel like I'm at my most spiritual low. Not at all, but I know I'm not at my highest (I say this in complete confidence because I have been better in my walk in Christ). I have come to realize that sometimes during our time off, you would think because we have much more time on our hands, it gives us much more time to get closer to GOD. On the other hand recently, I have fell on the other end of the stick. I have come to realize that though you may have all this free time, you have to much of it you don't know what to do with it instead of sticking to a usual set schedule.
Psalm 9:16
The Lord is known for his justice.
The wicked are TRAPPED by their own deeds.
It almost feels like as if your behind a closed door with no way out. You feel because you've done so much for months or even years at a time that when you get a little break, you take to much of one. I'm all for resting and gathering your thoughts together in order to recover so when the time is right, we can better serve for the Kingdom of GOD but at no point in time, should we use it as an excuse to not continuously grow in him. So why is that at times we feel so TRAPPED with no other option?
Growing in the Kingdom can feel like a staircase. We have our moments where we feel victorious and climbing our way to the top and at other times, we feel we spiral straight down to the bottom behind closed bars. Yes... it is true that someone gets TRAPPED but allow GOD to encourage you to tell you that it is NOT YOU.
Proverbs 12:13
The wicked are TRAPPED by their own words.
but the GODLY escape such trouble.
For Evil people and servants of the enemy twist the facts to support their claims. Those who do this will eventually be TRAPPED by their own lies. Not to be extreme but sometimes it's not necessarily "Evil People" but even people we may serve in the Church with, family or friends may feed us lies in order to get us to a place where we can feel less than in order for us to bend to their will and do what it is they want us to do.
2 Corinthians 3:16 - 18
But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the LORD is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the LORD. And the LORD who is the Spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
Ephesians 1:6-7
So we praise GOD for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our FREEDOM with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.
We are FREE to roam the streets in which GOD has a plan for us where we can prosper and gives us a HOPE. Though I have been blessed with parents whom speak positivity into my life, they both come from divorced families where they DID NOT have the greatest relationship with their father. It is because of that very experience, they know what to NOT do. They made a conscious decision in spite of what they may have lacked, to not be a victim and feel TRAPPED as if there was no HOPE to have something far greater. And as an Individual, though I have had a positive influence, I CHOOSE to think of myself with much confidence because I am a child of the most high GOD. Not because of what I have done because I am NOT saved by DOING good works, but AM saved BY good works. And that's the blood of Jesus Christ.
Though I may fall, though I may struggle in continuously growing in him, I'm not TRAPPED, I am FREE. For I am NOT the same person I was last year or even 6 months ago. This is to not at any point in time to belittle SIN or say it's ok when we know it's not. This is to say we can not let our SIN be a reason on why we stunt our spiritual growth in Christ. This is to say irrelevant to what the Nay Sayers have told us, we have the ability to make a conscious decision to choose to believe the words of the "Wicked" or what GOD has to say.
1 Peter 2:15-16
It is GOD's will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you. For you are FREE, you are GOD's slaves, so don't use your FREEDOM as an excuse to do evil. Respect everyone, and LOVE your Christian brothers and sister. Fear GOD, and respect the King.
Yea my greatest frustration lately has been that I let my free time take up too much time as being free and not doing devotionals and such....but change soon cometh :-)